Thirty-odd Feet Below Belgium: An Affair of Letters in the Great War 1915-1916
Arthur Stockwin
Thirty-odd Feet Below Belgium: An Affair of Letters in the Great War 1915-1916
When Geoffrey Boothby was seconded to the Royal Engineers in 1915, he was twenty- one and Edith Ainscow was eighteen. They had spent only four days together before Geoffrey was sent to the Front and the subterranean struggle below the Ypres Salient, in tunnels that were narrow, dark, flooded, and in deadly danger from the German workings close by.

During the next 18 months, as their letters passed to and fro, they fell in love. As Edith wrote her last letter, in May 1916, Geoffrey was due for leave: 'I can't really believe that you're coming yet but I hope and hope and hope. Do, do be careful just for one week ...'

Technical info
  • ISBN 10: 1898594805  
  • ISBN 13: 9781898594802
  • Publisher: Parapress Ltd, 2005

Published 22/12/2019.
Publication date: