• DRAKE, Corporal, ALFRED GEORGE, V C, S/107. 8th Bn. Rifle Brigade. Killed in action 23rd November 1915. Age 22.
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Corporal VC
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DRAKE, Corporal, ALFRED GEORGE, V C, S/107. 8th Bn. Rifle Brigade. Killed in action 23rd November 1915. Age 22. Son of Robert and Mary Ann Drake, of 62, Copley St., Stepney, London. La Brique Military Cemetery N°.2 I. C. 2. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 29447, dated 21st Jan., 1916, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery on the night of 23rd Nov., 1915, near La Brique, France. He was one of a patrol of four which was reconnoitring towards the German lines. The patrol was discovered when close to the enemy who opened heavy fire with rifles and a machine gun, wounding the Officer and one man. The latter was carried back by the last remaining man. Corporal Drake remained with his Officer and was last seen kneeling beside him and bandaging his wounds regardless of the enemy's fire. Later a rescue party crawling near the German lines found the Officer and Corporal, the former unconcious but alive and bandaged, Corporal Drake beside him dead and riddled with bullets. He had given his own life and saved his Officer.
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