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First name
Date of death
Second Lieutenant VC
Extra information
HEWITT, Second Lieutenant, DENIS GEORGE WYLDBORE, V C, 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regiment. 31st July 1917. Age 19. Son of the late Hon. George Hewitt and the Hon. Mrs. G. Hewitt, of Field House, Hursley, Winchester. Panel 35 An extract from The London Gazette, No. 30284, dated 14th Sept., 1917, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty when in command of a company in attack. When his first objective had been captured he reorganized the company and moved forward towards his objective. While waiting for the barrage to lift, he was hit by a piece of shell, which exploded the signal lights in his haversack and set fire to his equipment and clothes. Having extinguished the flames, in spite of his wound and the severe pain he was suffering, he led forward the remains of the company under very heavy machine gun fire, and captured and consolidated his objective. He was subsequently killed by a sniper while inspecting the consolidation and encouraging his men. This gallant officer set a magnificent example of coolness and contempt of danger to the whole battalion, and it was due to his splendid leading that the final objective of his battalion was gained."
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