Voormezele Churchyard
  • Het graf van Michael Stennett, overleden op 13 september 2000.
  • De grafsteen of in het Engels 'Headstone'.
Practical info
Voormezele Churchyard is located 4 kilometres south-west of Ieper town centre, on the Ruusschaartstraat, a road leading from the Kemmelseweg (connecting Ieper to Kemmel N331). From Ieper town centre the Kemmelseweg is reached via the Rijselsestraat, through the Lille Gate (Rijselpoort), and straight on towards Armentieres (N365). 900 metres after the crossroads is the right hand turning onto the Kemmelseweg (made prominent by a railway level crossing). Turn right onto the Kemmelseweg and follow this road to the first crossroads, turn left here into Ruusschaartstraat. The church and churchyard are located 1 kilometre along the Ruusschaartstraat on the left hand side of the road in Voormezele Dorp.
Voormezele, Ieper
Ground - aerial
GPS-Reference R5658 - Voormezele Churchyard
DMSX N 50°49'01.4'' - E002°52'32.0''
DMX N 50°49.023' - E002°52.533'
D N 50.817052° - E002.875557°
UTM 31U E 491233 N 5629488
GOOGLE EARTH 50 49.023 N, 002 52.533 E
• Mapquest
Burials (Commonwealth War Graves Commission):
  • United Kingdom: 1
Related links