Commemoration of the ammunition disaster - Wijtschate - 24/06/2022
On June 24th 1922 labourers were busy cleaning the battlefields from the amunition that was left after the Great War. Unfortunately the small train wagon on which the amunition was placed, overturned and the amunition exploded. The accident killed 11 people in total.

On Friday 24 June 2022 a commemoration took place in Wijtschate to remember these civilian victims. 

An old German bunker in the private owned wood, that was accessible exceptionnaly.

In the back, the spot were the explosion took place.

Welcome by Wieland De Meyer, mayor of Heuvelland.

Rinda De Poorter, great granddaughter of Isidoor Odent, one of the victims, took the initiative for the commemoration.

Family members of the victims attended the commemoration.

Even 100 year old André Lewyllie was present. 

Afterwards everyone was welcome in the libray for a drink. They could also taake a look at the exhibition 'Wijtschate doorgrond' on the findings during the recent roadworks in Wijtschate.

And interesting contacts were made between the different families.

The amunition disaster is also mentionned in different books. 

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