Rededication Service for Sjt. John Harold Bott, DCM, 11th Bn. The Royal Fusiliers, KIA 10 August 1917.
Ceremony conducted by Army Chaplain, Revd. Thomas Sander.
Hooge Crater Cemetery, 20 March 2024.
Regimental Military Honour by The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
Service conducted by Army Chaplain Revd.Thomas Sander.
Attended by Group Capt. John Dickson (Defende Attaché) on behalf of the British Embassy, representatives of
the CWGC, the LOD (JCCC), the RBL and people who take interest
in remembering the fallen. Organised by the MOD, JCCC. Headstone provided by the CWGC.
Sgt. John Harold Bott, DCM, 11th Bn. The Royal Fusiliers, KIA 10 August 1917.

page made by / pagina aangemaakt door Frank Mahieu.