Ruisseau Farm Cemetery
Practical info
Langemark is located north of the town of Ieper off the N313. From the Markt take the Statiestraat, in the direction of Bikschote, go over the disused railway and then take the first turning left, Melkerijstraat. Follow this road for approximately 800 metres, past the milk factory where there is a sharp right hand bend followed by a sharp left hand bend. At the left hand bend there is a track going straight on which leads to the cemetery.
Langemark, Langemark-Poelkapelle
Ground - aerial
GPS-Reference R5770 - Ruisseau Farm Cemetery
DMSX N 50°54'43.1'' - E002°53'55.7''
DMX N 50°54.718' - E002°53.929'
D N 50.911961° - E002.898810°
UTM 31U E 492886 N 5640039
GOOGLE EARTH 50 54.718 N, 002 53.929 E
• Mapquest
Ruisseau farm was taken by the Guards Division, fighting alongside the French troops, on the 8th October, 1917; and the cemetery was made by the Divisional Burial Officer after the fight. It was carried on by Artillery units until the end of November, 1917.

There are now over 80, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, a small number are unidentified. The cemetery covers an area of 486 square metres and is enclosed by a low brick wall.

Burials (Commonwealth War Graves Commission):
  • United Kingdom: 82