Torreken Farm Cemetery N°.1
  • De toegang tot Torreken Farm Cemetery N°.1.
  • Een overzicht op deze begraafplaats die volledig in een weide ligt.
  • German graves
Practical info
Torreken Farm Cemetery No 1 is located 7.5 Km south of Ieper town centre, on the Langebunderstraat, a road leading from the Rijselseweg N365, connecting Ieper to Armentieres. From Ieper town centre the Rijselsestraat runs from the market square, through the Lille Gate (Rijselpoort) and directly over the crossroads with the Ieper ring road. The road name then changes to the Rijselseweg. Just beyond the village of Wijtschate, Langebunderstraat is located by turning left from the N365. The cemetery itself is located 200 metres along the Langebunderstraat on the left hand side of the road.
Wijtschate, Heuvelland
Ground - aerial
GPS-Reference R5473 - Torreken Farm Cemetery Nー.1
DMSX N 50°46'56.3'' - E002°53'31.7''
DMX N 50°46.939' - E002°53.529'
D N 50.782311° - E002.892148°
UTM 31U E 492396 N 5625623
GOOGLE EARTH 50 46.939 N, 002 53.529 E
• Mapquest
Torreken Farm Cemetery (there is now only one) was begun by the 5th Dorset Regiment in June, 1917, and used as a front-line cemetery until April, 1918. There are now nearly 100, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. The cemetery covers an area of 536 square metres and is enclosed by a curb.

Burials (Commonwealth War Graves Commission):
  • United Kingdom: 70
  • Australia: 20
  • Total Commonwealth: 90
  • Other Nationalities: 14