National commemoration New Zealand at Tyne Cot Cemetery (P. Sennesael) - Passendale - 12/10/2017
On Thursday, 12 October 2017,  a national New Zealand commemoration took place at Tyne Cot Cemetery at Passendale. This to remember the darkest day in New Zealand military history. On 12 October 1917 more than 2.700 New Zealand casualties were registered of whom almost 1.000 soldiers were killed. Many families in New Zealand lost a relative on that day.

There are 520 New Zealand graves at Tyne Cot cemetery at Passendale. Furthermore, a lot more New Zealand soldiers who have no know grave are mentionned on the New Zealand Memorial to the Missing at the back of the cemetery.

The British Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, and the Belgian Princess Astrid were also present.

You could feel the emotion amongst the many New Zealand participants during this beautiful ceremony.






The poppies aside the many New Zealand names.










The ceremony started with the entrance of a Maori delegation.



Prince William, the Duke of Cambrigde and the Belgian Princess Astrid were also present.


The ceremony was also projected on 2 big screens.








  Page made by Patrick Sennesael.