Onthulling Australisch silhouet / Unveiling Australian silhouet (Frank Mahieu) - Zonnebeke - 24/04/2022
An Australian silhouette memorial  was unveiled at Polygon Wood. This commemorates the Australian men who particularllty on 26th September 1917 fought in this area and captured the wood. This was done by the 5th Australian Division with their 4th. Division at their left flank aside of the wood. Shorlty before on 20 Sept. the 1st and 2nd. Australian Division were engaged in the nearby battle of the Menin Road, stretching as far as Polygon Wood. Early October for the Australians the battle continued towards Broodseinde Ridge. The ceremony was attended by the Australian Ambassador  to Belgium Mrs.Carolina Millar and Australian military. The New Zealand delegation was also present. as were Belgian military and civil authorities. A New Zealand Silhouette was unveiled at 's Graventafel, site of the Old Cheese factory later that aftternoon..

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