At the end of the war, only destruction remained.Not only had villages been destroyed, but also families. The death of a father, son, brother or friend activated the grieving survivors. In the 1920s, thousands of them visited the Westhoek, looking for the burial place of their loved one or the battlefields where they had fought and died. This lesser-known history, one hundred years ago, is explored in this powerful immersive encounter and multi-media spectacle.
The Passchendaele Museum, the University of Kent and the Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London have collaborated to produce the immersive encounter and multimedia spectacle “De Weg Terug – The Way Back” and this on Friday 24 & Saturday 25 May 2024
Starting in the dug-outs, moving through the trenches and concluding in an open-air performance spectacle in the chateau grounds, “De Weg Terug – The Way Back” is a journey incorporating intimate moments of encounter with the past and epic spectacle. Large-scale projections, live performance, original music and spoken word bring back to life the Zonnebeke of the 1920s and beyond. The scars of the war are still visible. British pilgrims, German visitors and the local population meet each other, while the ghosts of the war still haunt the landscape.
Please find below some pictures of the press presentation on Thursday 23 May 2024.
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