The new IJzer Tower
Practical info
Kaaskerke, Diksmuide
GPS-Reference R6008 - KAASKERKE - IJzertoren
DMSX N 51°01'53.7'' - E002°51'07.5''
DMX N 51°01.895' - E002°51.125'
D N 51.031577° - E002.852089°
UTM 31U E 489628 N 5653346
GOOGLE EARTH 51 01.895 N, 002 51.125 E
• Mapquest
After the bomb attack on the first IJzer Tower, opinions differed. Some wanted to leave the debris as it was, as a permanent indictment. Others wanted a much huger tower as a proof of Flander’s newfound vitality. A compromise was found. Robert Van Averbeke – one of the architects who drew up the first tower – was asked to draw the plans for a new tower, with the same shape of the first one, but 85 metres high. In 1952, the first stone was laid. A fund-raising campaign was organised and the new Crypt was inaugurated in 1958, the Tower itself in 1965. On the new Tower’s walls, the first tower’s slogan was repeated, in the four languages of the soldiers who fought in the Westhoek: ‘NO MORE WAR’.
Extra information
Plan: Architect Robert Van Averbeke Realisation: Architect: Robert Van Averbeke Ingeneer: A. Monthaye Contractor: Lode Van der Kinderen Stained-glass artists: Mark De Groot, Joost Maréchal, Jan Wouter, Eug. Yoors Outset of the works: juli 1952 Consecration of the crypt: 11 november 1958 Inauguration of the tower: 22 augustus 1965 Construction time: 13 years Height: 84 m Letters AVV-VVK: 2,50 m high Number of stairs: 462 Weight of the tower: 8500 ton Materials: -231 'Vibro'-palen met een lenge van telkens 19,5 m -Centrale plaat: 1,50 m dikte -850 m³ gewapend beton voor de funderingen -80 ton bewapeningsijzer -325000 gewone bakstenen -350000 gevelstenen -3000 m³ gewapend beton -1150 ton cement -1500 m³ rijnzand -2400 m³ grint -388 ton ijzer -144 opengaande ramen in de panoramazaal Wind stress: 150 kg/m²
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